
In order to successfully cultivate the education of ones student, one must be ready to listen, learn, forgive, support and adapt, only then can you both evolve and reach your potential.

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Einstein has been quoted to say many things about education and learning (they are not the same thing) that are relevant to my inspiration to start this blog and to start writing books. Along with making unfair comparisons to different species and even individuals, he was reported to have said “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school” and “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education” .

As explained in the ‘Home’ tab this blog will now focus on the education of my child, I will also share the resources we use where possible. For more on our nature and travels please follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

As a parent I became acutely aware of gaps in human education and I hope that this blog will one day act as a record for my own child to refer to, and a place we can find and store all the useful information we come across that may not have been age appropriate at the time but will be most useful at a later date.

Never stop chasing knowledge, intelligence comes in many forms and is not measured solely by the human invented IQ test.